Diabetic Recipes For Kids

Learn How to Manage The Diabetes Disease

Sufferers with diabetes have a condition that creates a problem with how their body produces energy for food. Most of the food we eat is broken down into glucose, the form of sugar in the blood. Diabetes causes problems with the distribution of glucose in the bloodstream. Because the natural distribution method employed by the body is faulty, glucose levels rise which can cause serious health problems.

both are discussed briefly in this article. Juvenile onset diabetes is called type one and usually, but not always, affects children and young adults and is where the body's production of insulin has ceased,this results in the diabetic requiring an insulin injection every day to stay healthy and alive. The drug insulin plays the major role of ensuring the glucose level remain at a safe level. The second type is called adult onset diabetes and happens later in life,this can be controlled by diet but is caused by problems with the insulin production or its function.

Those energy foods which we all need to live are pasta, rice, potatoes, bread and fruit of course. High blood glucose levels over a long period of time can cause blindness, heart disease, kidney problems, and amputations.Prolonged periods of high blood glucose levels can lead to problems like heart disease, kidney complaints, blindness and even limb amputations. Specialists in diabetes will tell you that provided you do exactly what your care and management program tells you to do, your condition will start to improve,a number of the conditions will actually get better while others will be slowed down. To manage your condition well, ensure you take your medication,this means maintaining the correct level of blood sugar, cholesterol and blood fat along with giving up cigarettes.

It also means that you will need to keep your weight relatively stable within a prescribed range which should also help to reduce your blood pressure to within tolerable limits. Diabetes is a life long condition if you are unlucky enough to contract it,in the United States there are reports of it affecting over two and a half percent of the population. However, it is estimated that about the same number of people again have the condition,each year there are over six hundred thousand new cases. Official figures show that diabetes causes the death of over thirty four thousand people in America every year but deaths from citizens that have the condition but do not die directly from it is about 320,000.

Visit: Menu Planner For People With Diabetes for more information.